Dongeng Ali Baba dan 40 Penyamun
kala, dikota Persia, hidup 2 orang bersaudara yang bernama Kasim dan Alibaba. Alibaba
adalah adik Kasim yang hidupnya miskin dan tinggal didaerah pegunungan. Ia
mengandalkan hidupnya dari penjualan kayu bakar yang dikumpulkannya. Berbeda
dengan abangnya, Kasim, seorang yang kaya raya tetapi serakah dan tidak pernah
mau memikirkan kehidupan adiknya.
hari, ketika Alibaba pulang dari mengumpulkan kayu bakar, ia melihat segerombol
penyamun yang berkuda. Alibaba segera bersembunyi karena takut jika ia
terlihat, ia akan dibunuh. Dari tempat persembunyiannya, Alibaba memperhatikan
para penyamun yang sedang sibuk menurunkan harta rampokannya dari kuda mereka.
Kepala penyamun tiba-tiba berteriak, “Alakazam ! Buka…..”. Pintu gua yang ada
di depan mereka terbuka perlahan-lahan. Setelah itu mereka segera memasukkan
seluruh harta rampokan mereka. “Alakazam ! tutup… ” teriak kepala penyamun,
pintu gua pun tertutup.
para penyamun pergi, Alibaba memberanikan diri keluar dari tempat sembunyinya.
Ia mendekati pintu gua tersebut dan meniru teriakan kepala penyamun tadi.
“Alakazam! Buka…..” pintu gua yang terbuat dari batu itu terbuka. “Wah… Hebat!”
teriak Alibaba sambil terpana sebentar karena melihat harta yang
bertumpuk-tumpuk seperti gunung. “Gunungan harta ini akan Aku ambil sedikit,
semoga aku tak miskin lagi, dan aku akan membantu tetanggaku yang kesusahan”.
Setelah mengarungkan harta dan emas tersebut, Alibaba segera pulang setelah
sebelumnya menutup pintu gua. Istri Alibaba sangat terkejut melihat barang yang
dibawa Alibaba. Alibaba kemudian bercerita pada istrinya apa yang baru saja dialaminya.
“Uang ini sangat banyak… bagaimana jika kita bagikan kepada orang-orang yang
kesusahan..” ujar istri Alibaba. Karena terlalu banyak, uang emas tersebut
tidak dapat dihitung Alibaba dan istrinya. Akhirnya mereka sepakat untuk
meminjam kendi sebagai timbangan uang emas kepada saudaranya, Kasim. Istri
Alibaba segera pergi meminjam kendi kepada istri Kasim. Istri Kasim, seorang
yang pencuriga, sehingga ketika ia memberikan kendinya, ia mengoleskan minyak
yang sangat lengket di dasar kendi.
setelah kendi dikembalikan, ternyata di dasar kendi ada sesuatu yang berkilau.
Istri Kasim segera memanggil suaminya dan memberitahu suaminya bahwa di dasar
kendi ada uang emas yang melekat. Kasim segera pergi ke rumah Alibaba untuk
menanyakan hal tersebut. Setelah semuanya diceritakan Alibaba, Kasim segera
kembali kerumahnya untuk mempersiapkan kuda-kudanya. Ia pergi ke gua harta
dengan membawa 20 ekor keledai. Setibanya di depan gua, ia berteriak “Alakazam
! Buka…”, pintu batu gua bergerak terbuka. Kasim segera masuk dan langsung
mengarungkan emas dan harta yang ada didalam gua sebanyak-banyaknya. Ketika ia
hendak keluar, Kasim lupa mantra untuk membuka pintu, ia berteriak apa saja dan
mulai ketakutan. Tiba-tiba pintu gua bergerak, Kasim merasa lega. Tapi ketika
ia mau keluar, para penyamun sudah berada di luar, mereka sama-sama terkejut.
“Hei maling! Tangkap dia, bunuh!” teriak kepala penyamun. “Tolong… saya jangan
dibunuh”, mohon Kasim. Para penyamun yang kejam tidak memberi ampun kepada
Kasim. Ia segera dibunuh.
Kasim yang menunggu dirumah mulai kuatir karena sudah seharian Kasim tidak
kunjung pulang. Akhirnya ia meminta bantuan Alibaba untuk menyusul saudaranya
tersebut. Alibaba segera pergi ke gua harta. Disana ia sangat terkejut karena
mendapati tubuh kakaknya sudah terpotong. Setibanya dirumah, istri Kasim
menangis sejadi-jadinya. Untuk membantu kakak iparnya itu Alibaba memberikan
sekantung uang emas kepadanya. Istri Kasim segera berhenti menangis dan
tersenyum, ia sudah lupa akan nasib suaminya yang malang. Alibaba membawa tubuh
Kasim ke tukang sepatu untuk menjahitnya kembali seperti semula. Setelah
selesai, Alibaba memberikan upah beberapa uang emas.
tempat, di gua harta, para penyamun terkejut, karena mayat Kasim sudah tidak
ada lagi. “Tak salah lagi, pasti ada orang lain yang tahu tentang rahasia gua
ini, ayo kita cari dan bunuh dia!” kata sang kepala penyamun. Merekapun mulai
berkeliling pelosok kota. Ketika bertemu dengan seorang tukang sepatu, mereka
bertanya,”Apakah akhir-akhir ini ada orang yang kaya mendadak ?”. “Akulah orang
itu, karena setelah menjahit mayat yang terpotong, aku menjadi orang kaya”.
“Apa! Mayat! Siapa yang memintamu melakukan itu?” Tanya mereka. “Tolong
antarkan kami padanya!”. Setelah menerima uang dari penyamun, tukang sepatu
mengantar mereka ke rumah Alibaba. Si penyamun segera memberi tanda silang
dipintu rumah Alibaba. “Aku akan melaporkan pada ketua, dan nanti malam kami
akan datang untuk membunuhnya,” kata si penyamun. Tetangga Alibaba, Morijana
yang baru pulang berbelanja melihat dan mendengar percakapan para penyamun.
harinya, Alibaba didatangi seorang penyamun yang menyamar menjadi seorang
pedagang minyak yang kemalaman dan memohon untuk menginap sehari dirumahnya.
Alibaba yang baik hati mempersilakan tamunya masuk dan memperlakukannya dengan
baik. Ia tidak mengenali wajah si kepala penyamun. Morijana, tetangga Alibaba
yang sedang berada diluar rumah, melihat dan mengenali wajah penyamun tersebut.
Ia berpikir keras bagaimana cara untuk memberitahu Alibaba. Akhirnya ia
mempunyai ide, dengan menyamar sebagai seorang penari. Ia pergi kerumah Alibaba
untuk menari. Ketika Alibaba, istri dan tamunya sedang menonton tarian,
Morijana dengan cepat melemparkan pedang kecil yang sengaja diselipkannya dibajunya
ke dada tamu Alibaba.
dan istrinya sangat terkejut, sebelum Alibaba bertanya, Morijana membuka
samarannya dan segera menceritakan semua yang telah dilihat dan didengarnya.
“Morijana, engkau telah menyelamatkan nyawa kami, terima kasih”. Setelah
semuanya berlalu, Alibaba membagikan uang peninggalan para penyamun kepada
orang-orang miskin dan yang sangat memerlukannya.
Tale Ali Baba and 40 Thieves
Long ago, the city of Persia, who lived two brothers named Kasim and Alibaba. Alibaba is the brother Kasim who lives poor and live mountain area. He was eking a living from selling firewood gathered. In contrast to his brother, Kasim, a wealthy but greedy and never want to think about his brother's life.
One day, when Alibaba home from collecting firewood, he saw a bunch of robbers who rode. Alibaba immediately hid for fear if he looked, he would be killed. From his hiding place, Alibaba notice of the robbers who were busy lowering rampokannya property of their horses. Head of the robbers suddenly shouted, "Alakazam! Go to ... .. ". Door of the cave that is in front of them opened slowly. After that they immediately put all their possessions robbed. "Alakazam! the lid ... "yelled the head of robbers, the cave door was closed.
After the robbers left, Alibaba ventured out of hiding places. He approached the door of the cave and head mimic the cries of thieves earlier. "Alakazam! Go to ... .. "door made of stone cave was open. "Well ... Great!" Shouted Alibaba while stunned for a while because he saw piles of treasure as a mountain. "Mountains of this treasure will I take a bit, hopefully I'm not poor anymore, and I will help my neighbor in distress". After mengarungkan treasure and gold, Alibaba home immediately after closing the door of the cave. Alibaba's wife was very surprised to see the goods brought Alibaba. Alibaba then told her what had just happened. "This money is very much ... what if we share with the people in distress .." said the wife of Alibaba.
Because too many, the gold can not be calculated Alibaba and his
wife. Finally they agreed to borrow jugs as weights of gold coins to his
brother, Kasim. Alibaba's wife immediately went to borrow a pitcher to Kasim's
wife. Kasim's wife, a suspicious, so when he gives kendinya, he applied a very sticky
oil in the bottom of the pitcher.
Keesokannnya, after the pitcher returned, found at the bottom of the pitcher there is something shiny. Kasim's wife immediately called her husband and told him that in the bottom of the pitcher there is money attached to gold. Eunuch immediately went to the house Alibaba to ask it. Once everything is told Alibaba, Kasim immediately returned to his house to prepare the horses. He went to the cave with treasures brought 20 donkeys. Arriving in front of the cave, she yelled "Alakazam! Open ... ", the door open to move the stone cave. Kasim immediately and directly mengarungkan gold and treasures that exist within the cave as much as possible. When he was about to come out, Kasim forget a spell to open the door, she screamed and began to fear anything. Suddenly the door of the cave moves, Kasim was relieved. But when he wanted out, the robbers were outside, they were equally surprised. "Hey thief! Catch him, kill! "Shouted the chief of robbers. "Please ... I do not kill", please Kasim. The rogues who do not give mercy to the cruel Eunuch. He was immediately killed.
Keesokannnya, after the pitcher returned, found at the bottom of the pitcher there is something shiny. Kasim's wife immediately called her husband and told him that in the bottom of the pitcher there is money attached to gold. Eunuch immediately went to the house Alibaba to ask it. Once everything is told Alibaba, Kasim immediately returned to his house to prepare the horses. He went to the cave with treasures brought 20 donkeys. Arriving in front of the cave, she yelled "Alakazam! Open ... ", the door open to move the stone cave. Kasim immediately and directly mengarungkan gold and treasures that exist within the cave as much as possible. When he was about to come out, Kasim forget a spell to open the door, she screamed and began to fear anything. Suddenly the door of the cave moves, Kasim was relieved. But when he wanted out, the robbers were outside, they were equally surprised. "Hey thief! Catch him, kill! "Shouted the chief of robbers. "Please ... I do not kill", please Kasim. The rogues who do not give mercy to the cruel Eunuch. He was immediately killed.
Kasim's wife waited at home began to worry because it does not go home all day Eunuch. Finally he asked for help Alibaba to follow his brother. Alibaba immediately went to the cave of treasures. There he was shocked to find her brother's body had been cut. Arriving home, Kasim's wife wept uncontrollably. To help Alibaba's brother-in-law gave him a bag of gold coins. Kasim's wife immediately stopped crying and smiling, he had forgotten the fate of the unfortunate husband. Alibaba brings Kasim's body to the cobbler to stitch it back to normal. Once completed, Alibaba reward some gold coins.
Elsewhere, a treasure in the cave, the thieves were surprised,
because the corpse Kasim is not there anymore. "No doubt, there must be
someone else who knows about the secret cave of this, let's go find and kill
him!" Said the head of the bandits. And they began traveling throughout
the city. When meeting with a cobbler, they asked, "Was lately there are
people who get rich quick". "I am the man, because after sewing the
mutilated corpse, I became a rich man". "What! Bodies! Who asked you
to do that? "Ask them. "Will you take us to him!". After
receiving money from the robbers, led them to the cobbler's house Alibaba. The
robbers immediately crossed the door of the house gave Alibaba. "I will
report to the chairman, and tonight we are coming to kill him," said the
highwayman. Alibaba neighbor, who had come home shopping Morijana see and hear
the conversations of the robbers.
In the evening, Alibaba visited by a thief disguised as an oil trader who benighted and begged to stay a day at his home. Alibaba is kindly invited guests entered and treated him well. He does not recognize the face of the robber's head. Morijana, Alibaba neighbor who was outside the house, saw and recognized the robber's face. He thought hard how to tell Alibaba. Finally he had an idea, by posing as a dancer. He went home Alibaba to dance. When Alibaba, his wife and his guests were watching the dance, Morijana quickly threw a small sword accidentally tucked into your chest dibajunya guests Alibaba.
Alibaba and his wife was very surprised, before Alibaba asks, Morijana opened his cover and immediately told all who have seen and heard. "Morijana, thou hast saved our lives, thank you". Once everything is gone, Alibaba relic thieves distribute money to people who are very poor and need.
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