Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

Dongeng Paman Alfred dan 3 Ekor Rakun

Dongeng  Paman Alfred dan 3 Ekor Rakun

Di sebuah peternakan yang luas, tinggal seorang peternak yang bernama Alfred. Ia lebih sering di panggil Paman Alfred oleh tetangga di sekitarnya.
Setiap hari pekerjaannya memerah susu sapi dan memberi sapi-sapinya makan, membabat rumput-rumputan untuk makanan sapi, kemudian memberi makan ternak-ternaknya yang lain. Selain itu juga membersihkan ladang jagung dan gandumnya. Setelah semuanya selesai, Paman Alfred berkeliling ladang dan peternakannya, melihat apakah ada pagar-pagar yang rusak atau tidak.
Sore menjelang malam hari, Paman Alfred merasa punggungnya sakit dan pegal semua. Setelah makan malam, ia segera tidur karena badannya sudah sangat lelah. Ia menghempaskan badannya di tempat tidurnya yang besar dan empuk. “Saya sangat lelah,” keluhnya. Tidak lama kemudian, Paman Alfred tertidur. Di tengah tidurnya, ia tiba-tiba terbangun mendengar ada suara sesuatu dari atap loteng rumahnya. Paman Alfred merasa terganggu tidurnya. Ia segera mengenakan sendal dan mengambil senter.
Paman Alfred berjalan menaiki tangga menuju atap lotengnya. Setelah membuka pintu lotengnya, paman Alfred sangat terkejut sampai hampir terjatuh ke belakang. Ia melihat 3 ekor rakun yang sedang bernyanyi. Karena kesalnya, ia berteriak, “Diam..!”, 3 rakun tersebut tetap bernyanyi, walaupun sudah diusir. Akhirnya, paman Alfred kembali ke kamarnya. Ia mencoba untuk melanjutkan tidurnya.
Esok harinya, ia mengalami hal yang sama dengan kemarin. Paman Alfred akhirnya membeli racun pengusir rakun. Ketika malam hari, Paman Alfred kembali mendengar rakun-rakun tersebut bernyanyi. Rakun-rakun tersebut tidak mau menyentuh makanan yang diberikan Paman Alfred. Mereka tahu kalau makanan tersebut sudah diberi racun. Paman Alfred naik ke loteng. Ia berteriak-teriak menyuruh rakun-rakun itu berhenti menyanyi. Ia juga melempar rakun-rakun itu dengan sendalnya. Rakun-rakun itu mengelak sambil terus bernyanyi mengejek Paman Alfred.
Keesokan harinya. Paman Alfred pergi ke perpustakaan. Ia mencari buku cara mengusir rakun. Setelah hampir satu jam, buku yang dicarinya berhasil ditemukan. Di buku tersebut tertulis cara mengusir rakun adalah dengan membunyikan suara yang bising, misalnya dengan radio dan lainnya. Setelah sampai di rumah, Paman Alfred menyiapkan radio tuanya. Ia memasukkan kaset lagu rock ke dalam radiotapenya.
Malam harinya, ia memasang radio tersebut di loteng. Ia mencoba untuk tidur tetapi rasa penasaran membuat Paman Alfred ingin melihat keadaan di loteng. Ia kembali terkejut melihat rakun-rakun tersebut masih ada di loteng. Mereka bahkan tidak hanya menyanyi. Mereka juga menari-nari mengikuti musik. Habis sudah kesabaran Paman George. Mukanya menjadi merah karena kesal, setelah mematikan radio ia berteriak sekeras-kerasnya. “Diaammmm…!”, teriak Paman Alfred. Setelah agak reda kekesalannya, Paman Alfred berkata,”Aku punya tawaran untuk kalian, bagaimana kalau kita tukar tempat ?, kalian boleh menempati kamarku sebagai tempat kalian”, ujar Paman Alfred kepada rakun-rakun itu. Rakun-rakun itu setuju. Esok malam mereka menempati kamar Paman Alfred, sedang Paman Alfred tidur di loteng. Setelah menyanyi dan menari akhirnya rakun-rakun itu tertidur di kamar Paman Alfred.
Paman Alfred yang sudah sangat lelah tidak memikirkan lagi tempat tidurnya. Ia tertidur lelap di loteng. Saking lelapnya, Paman Alfred bermimpi tentang rakun, ia bernyanyi dalam mimpinya, persis seperti nyanyian yang di nyanyikan oleh 3 rakun. Tiga rakun yang tidur di kamar Paman Alfred terbangun, mereka merasa terganggu dan takut mendengar suara yang berasal dari loteng. Mereka segera berlarian keluar rumah dan akhirnya mereka tidak pernah datang lagi ke rumah Paman Alfred. Akhirnya sejak saat itu, Paman Alfred bisa tidur dengan nyenyak setelah bekerja seharian.

Fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk

Previously, there was a mother and young son who lives in a village. Young man named Jack. Their lives are poor. Their property that there is only a cow, which over time has been reduced milk production. Recognizing this, the mother also plans to sell cattle they have, then the money will be used to buy wheat. The plan, the wheat will be planted in a field near their home.

The next day, Jack took his cow to market. In the middle of the road to market, Jack met a grandfather. The grandfather admonished him, "Hi Jack, will you exchange sapimu with these magic beans?". "What, to exchange a peanut with sapiku?" Said Jack surprised. "Do not insult, yes! This is a magic bean. If you plant it and leave it overnight, then the beans this morning will grow up into the sky, said the old man explained. "If it was all right," replied Jack.

At home, Jack's mother is very shocked and angry. "What a fool you! How can we live only with a grain of beans? "I was so angry, the mother throws the beans out the window. But what happens the next day? Apparently there is a giant tree that grows until it reaches the sky. "Well, it is true what the old man, muttered Jack". Then carefully he immediately climbed the giant tree. "Oh, why did not end until well into the tree huh?" Said Jack to himself.

Not long after, he looked down. He saw the houses to be very small. Finally he reached the clouds. There he could see a giant castle terrible. "I'm thirsty and hungry, perhaps in the palace I found the food," he muttered. Arriving at the front door of the palace, he knocked loudly. "Kriek ..." the big door was open. When he looked up, came a great woman. "What boy?", She said. "Good morning, I was thirsty and hungry, may I ask for some food?" Well, you're a polite one. Come in! Eat in, yes! "She said kindly.

While I was eating, suddenly heard a loud footsteps, Duk Duk! It turns out the woman's husband came. He is a giant man-eaters. Quickly she said to Jack. "Son, quickly hiding! My husband comes. "" Huaaa .... I'm home. Prepare meals quickly, "cried the giant. Jack held his breath in the furnace. The giant suddenly smell a human. Then he peered into the furnace. Quickly, his wife said, "That's the human scent that we burn today. Anyway take it easy. This food is ready. "

After eating, giant issued a purse containing money stolen gold, while drinking liquor. Then he began to calculate how long he was drunk and fell asleep. Seeing this, he immediately came out of hiding. Before going home, he took the gold loot the giants as he walked to tiptoe.

Jack continues down the tree nuts and finally got home. "Mom ... look at this gold. From now on we become rich. "" You can not get this much money easily. What are you doing? "Then he told all the events to his mother. "You are too brave Jack! What if a giant had come to take it back, "her mother said anxiously. Since getting gold coins, each day Jack just to relax alone with stolen money. Not long ago, the money stolen was up. Jack climbed the beanstalk again, to go to the palace. "Eh you come again. What is it? "Said the giant's wife. "Good afternoon ma'am. Since I have not eaten all day, my stomach is so hungry. "A good mother was silent, but he still gave him lunch. Suddenly .... Duk Duk Duk! The sound of giant footsteps. As formerly, he returned hiding in the furnace.

After entering the house, the giant ate greedily. After that he put the chicken loot on the table, saying, "Chicken, remove the golden egg." Then the cock was crowing, "kukuruyuuk ....," He removed a golden egg. The giant was satisfied, he was drinking sake until she finally fell asleep. "The golden egg? Wow great! "Thought Jack. Secretly he caught the chicken and quickly ran back home.

With his gold laying hens, Jack returned to relax alone. "Daripaada you steal, better work in the fields alone," said Jack's mother. Because every day that chicken eggs spend more than it should, chicken and even then die. He returned again to the giant's castle. And again he hid in the furnace, when the giant man came home with a harp. While drinking sake, the giant said, "O harp, played a beautiful melody." Miracle had happened, it plays the harp itself a beautiful melody. The song makes the sleeping giant.

Jack has the intention to steal the harp. He also extended his hand, but ... "Sir, there is a thief ..." suddenly shouted harp. The giant awoke. He immediately ran to pursue Jack's carrying a giant harp. Giants continue to pursue, down the beanstalk. When they came downstairs, he shouted with a voice apes. "Ibuu .... Bring me the ax from the shed! fast! fast! To her surprise, the mother saw a giant figure who comes chasing him, he trembled with great fear. Once down from the tree, immediately cut down the beanstalk Jack was with his ax.

With a loud voice, tree nuts collapsed. The giant fell to the ground, and die. My mother was very relieved to see him alive. While mengangis he said: "Jack, do not you do something more sinister like this. No matter how poor we work in earnest. With gratitude to God, surely the two of us will live well. "" Forgive me, Mother, from now on I will work earnestly, said Jack to her mother. "

Since then, he works diligently every day. Beside it, the harp playing beautiful melodies that add to the spirit of Jack's work. The story of the magic harp has spread throughout the country. One day, a beautiful princess came to visit him. Not as usual, the harp plays a beautiful melody that makes the Princess was fascinated. Then the harp sing: "If the Princess and Jack get married, be happy." Hearing the song, the Princess's cheeks flushed. Eventually he married a beautiful princess with the help of the harp. Since then he became a king who likes to help people in distress.

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